The Maverick Medicine Ketamine Experience

Intake Process

Your first visit to Maverick Medicine will be an intake appointment with Dr. Bianchi. This appointment is typically one hour long. We will review your medical history and preform a clinical exam to determine if ketamine treatment is a good fit for you. During this time, you will have an opportunity to visit the clinic space, meet the clinic team, and discuss any questions you have about the infusion process. Importantly, this appointment allows us to clarify your treatment goals and establish a working relationship with your healthcare team. 

Treatment Setting

Maverick Medicine places the highest priority on providing our therapies in a carefully designed treatment setting. Our treatment room is outfitted with an American-made artisan-crafted zero gravity recliner. During your infusions, patients are provided with a carefully curated psychedelic musical selection, played through the latest Bose headphones. All of our patients are monitored throughout the infusion process with state of the art wireless patient monitors that allow us to observe your heart rate, oxygen saturation, blood pressure, and temperature in real time to ensure your safety.

Treatment Process

Ketamine infusions at Maverick Medicine require placement of a small IV catheter, typically in your hand or arm. IVs are placed under ultrasound guidance to ensure that they are as painless as possible. Infusions typically last about 40 minutes, with additional time afterwards to recover from your ketamine experience. Most patients benefit from six infusions over a  2-3 week period.

Patients are not allowed to drive home after receiving ketamine. A family member or friend will need to assist patients home.


Integration of your ketamine experience is an important part of psychedelic therapy to ensure long-term mental health benefits. Integration sessions allow you to interpret the insights from your ketamine experience and incorporate these into your daily life. If you are not established with a mental health profession that is familiar with ketamine therapy, Maverick Medicine offers the opportunity to work with clinicians who are specialized in psychedelic therapy.

Tracking Progress

Maverick Medicine uses Osmind, a patient platform for psychedelic therapies. This allows clients to closely monitor their symptoms and assess response to treatment. This revolutionary medical record system allows us to provide the most effective, individualized treatment plan for you.

Throughout your treatment, you will receive short, easy to complete surveys to clearly track your symptoms and response to therapy. These questionnaires can be completed at your convenience, via the Osmind app or website. Your progress is analyzed and graphically presented to both you and the Maverick Medicine team, to ensure we are achieving your maximal therapeutic response. 

Maintaining Results

After the initial infusion series, there is a possibility that you might require additional ‘booster’ treatments. We continue to monitor your symptoms with surveys after your induction treatment to help determine if and when you might require an additional booster infusion.


The Osmind platform also allows us to maintain close communication between appointments through private messaging and journaling. It connects interested clients to a safe, secure online support group of other patients receiving ketamine therapy.